Help and information
It is important to ask for help when you recognise you may need it. Finding reliable and accurate information (not online diagnosis sites!!) is an important step. I am of the belief that good learning and information can help to save lives. The following places are great for reliable information;
- The National Autistic Society are specialists in Autism, you can find good information about Autism and they offer training modules.
-Mind have good information on a range of mental health topics and a personal experience blog.
-Time to Change have great personal experience blogs, and some really interesting statistics regarding mental health stigma. You can also sign up to be a Time to Change Champion if you have personal experience of mental ill-health.
-Beat have good info and support for those suffering with Eating Disorders and their families.
-YoungMinds can help with a range of topics affecting children and young people's mental health, including a parent helpline, and training for professionals.
-NHS Choices can help with seeking medical information.
-Get involved in research with the National Centre for Mental Health.
-Rethink offer a range on information on mental health and specialise in severe mental illness such as Schizophrenia.
-Hafal are service providers in Wales with a range of local projects running across Wales, specialising in helping individuals and their families with severe mental illness.
-The Mental health foundation have excellent information on a range of topics relating to mental health.
-If you are looking for online peers support platforms I highly recommend Clic.
-Papyrus specialise in preventing young suicide, they have a helpline and information on their site.
-Childline can help anyone under 18 with a range of topics affecting young people.
-If you need to speak to someone call Samaritans on 116 123 or visit their website.
If you are experiencing problems with your mental health, e.g. unusually low mood lasting longer than 2 weeks, feeling anxiety which prevents you from doing day to day activities, feeling despair, experiencing changes to your thoughts patterns or behaviour, please seek help. The first point of contact is your GP.
Advice for when you see your GP;
Write about what you are experiencing before going to your appointment, even if its just a few bullet points. This helps you to communicate with your doctor and gives the doctor more information.
Maybe take a family member, or someone close to you, if you're comfortable. It might help with having these difficult conversations with your GP, plus your support person may be able to give more information to the doctor.
Don't pre-google your symptoms, google is not a doctor and the web results will cause you more anxiety than necessary. Let the professionally trained doctor do their job.
If you are in crisis and require immediate medical attention please call 999, go to A+E, or if you are under mental health services contact your mental health team.